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MUS 133: Introduction to World Music, All Semesters

Average GPA: 3.509

Satisfies: Non-Western Cultures, Literature & the Arts

Grade % of students
A+ 27.687
A 27.221
A- 12.995
B+ 8.288
B 9.937
B- 4.265
C+ 2.333
C 2.864
C- 1.183
D+ 0.531
D 0.644
D- 0.362
F 1.690

Prof. No. of Students Avg GPA Std. Dev. GPA
Nutting, Ian W
139 3.892 0.543
Smith, Jonathon M
1198 3.781 0.632
Silvers, Michael B
1018 3.770 0.599
Vallier, Nolan A
582 3.759 0.675
Tsekouras, Ioannis
3723 3.639 0.748
Deja, Richard M
614 3.599 0.724
Praeger, Ulrike
613 3.519 0.690
Tse, Pui-Sze Priscil
347 3.429 0.900
Gordon, Lillie S
1709 3.273 0.758
Belkind, Nili
150 3.272 0.578
Rios, Fernando E
189 3.170 1.019
Solis, Gabriel
1699 3.147 0.884
Adams, Margarethe A
193 3.106 0.880
Turino, Thomas R
254 3.043 1.158